AUTOCORD : the Minolta's TLR
by Fred
What ?
The serial numbers (SN) correspond to the order of production of the cameras.
Not knowing the SN of the first product unit each calendar year beginning, I have arbitrarily placed in this list the years assumed to start production following the introduction of some models and trying to stay logical.
Sometimes certain early models were manufactured after late models.
Example: some A-2 models were produced in 1958 after the onset of RA and L-MX.
Where ?
The Minolta Autocord serial number is located above the logo 'Minolta Autocord "for all models to the RG v3.1.
For models I, CDS I and following, it is on the top of the rear door.
The list
The list includes camera serial numbers I could clearly identify on the international network.
It is not exhaustive: the SN is not always mentioned or visible / readable.
Over 2500 references.
Given the large size of the list, I devided it into several sub-pages.
This list is updated regularly.
Anomalies or suspected as such are written in red.
It seems some MXV-3 models have been produced in 1962, their SN begin at 300xxx.
It seems some export models have been produces in 1963.
It seems some I, III, CDS I and CDS III models have been produced in 1966 with a SN beginning at 900xxx.
Last update : november 18 2022
Your questions or comments are welkom : contact me.